List of News
- Sep 2024: 当选CCF杰出会员.
- May 2024: Two papers on ST-AI and Federated Learning were accepted by KDD2024.
- May 2024: I serves a general co-chair for the 4th ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Data, Applications, and Systems. Paper submission deadline is May 28, 2024.
- Otc 2023: CNCC2023 | 第六届智慧城市与城市计算论坛成功举行. 精彩回放
- Sep 2023: 我们组织的CNCC2023【第六届智慧城市与城市计算论坛——从理论体系到产业实践】将于2023年10月26日下午在沈阳召开. 论坛链接
- Aug 2023: Two ST-AI papers were accepted by CIKM2023.
- Jul 2023: 当选ACM数据挖掘中国分会(KDD China)候补委员;受邀在“KDD China 2023高峰论坛”暨“KDD 2023 Summer School”做特邀报告。
- Mar 2023: 祝贺FAST团队在CCF“第十届大数据与计算智能大赛”(2022 CCF BDCI)中荣获全国综合特等奖(唯一第一).相关新闻.
- Mar 2023: One ST-AI paper was accepted by AI Journal.
- Jan 2023: I was elected an ACM Senior Member.
- Nov 2022: 受邀在CCF学科前沿讲习班《联邦学习与隐私计算》做“时空AI与联邦学习”专题讲座.
- Nov 2022: Four papers were accpeted by AAAI2023.
- Otc 2022: 我们组织的CNCC【第五届智慧城市与城市计算论坛】将于2022年12月8日在【线上】
贵阳召开. 活动链接 - Sep 2022: I was elected an IEEE Senior Member.
- Sep 2022: 我们组织的第十届CCF大数据学术会议【智能交通与时空AI论坛】将于2022年11月18-20日在四川成都召开. 活动链接
- Sep 2022: 受邀在2022中国人工智能大会(CCAI 2022)《隐私计算与联邦学习产业论坛》做特邀报告.活动链接
- Aug 2022: One ST-AI paper was accepted by IEEE TKDE and two ST-AI papers were accpeted by CIKM2022.
- July 2022: ST-ResNet[AAAI17]入选历年高引用排名前10
- May 2022: One ST-AI paper (CityShield) was accpeted by KDD2022.
- Apr 2022: I serves a general co-chair for the 3rd ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Data, Applications, and Systems. Paper submission deadline is May 26, 2022.
- Apr 2022: Won The 23rd China Patent Excellence Award. (荣获第二十三届中国专利优秀奖)
- Feb 2022: I was recognized as the 2022 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention (2022年AI 2000人工智能全球最具影响力学者提名奖)
- Feb 2022: Three papers were accepted by IEEE TKDE.
- Feb 2022: One Spatio-Temporal AI paper (GeoMAN) was selected as Most Influential IJCAI papers by Paper Digest
- Otc 2021: 我们组织的2021中国计算机大会(CNCC 2021)技术论坛《第四届智慧城市与城市计算论坛》
因故推迟, 将于2021年12月17日13:30-17:30在深圳国际会展中心CC101C召开. 活动链接
- Otc 2021: Won the CCF Award for Science and Technology Award–Technological Progress Outstanding Award in 2021. (荣获2021年CCF科学技术奖科技进步杰出奖)
- Sep 2021: 受邀在2021中国计算机大会(CNCC 2021)《时空智能与智慧城市论坛》做特邀报告
- Sep 2021: 受邀在2021中国人工智能大会(CCAI 2021)《大数据智能学术论坛》做特邀报告
- May 2021: Won The 22nd China Patent Excellence Award. (荣获第二十二届中国专利优秀奖)
- May 2021: 恭喜Dr. Zheyi PAN入选AI华人新星榜单由百度学术, 代表性论文是时空元学习(Spatio-Temporal Meta Learning)
- Apr 2021: I was recognized as the 2021 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention (2021年AI 2000人工智能全球最具影响力学者提名奖)
- Mar 2021: Two Spatio-Temporal AI(ST-ResNet、ST-MetaNet)papers were selected as most influential AAAI and KDD papers by Paper Digest: Most influential AAAI papers, Most influential KDD papers
- Mar 2021: One paper was accepted by IEEE TKDE
- Jan 2021: Two papers were accepted by TheWebConf(WWW) 2021
- Jan 2021: One paper was accepted by AAAI 2021
- 欢迎关注 & 参加 第三届智慧城市与城市计算论坛 | CNCC技术论坛, 10月23日下午16:00-18:00,在北京新世纪日航饭店二层浙江厅举行。
- Call for papers: ACM Transactions on
Intelligent Systems and Technology Special Issue on Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Data, submission deadline: Nov. 30, 2020
Otc. 30, 2020 - Sep. 2020: I was honored as CCF Senior Member
- July 2020: I gave a tutorial on Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Data in Urban Computing Summer School
- July 2020: I was selected for the Beijing Nova Program (北京市科技新星计划)
- July 2020: One paper was accepted by IEEE Intelligent Systems
- June 2020: One paper was accepted by CIKM 2020
- June 2020: One paper was accepted by IEEE TKDE
- June 2020: One paper was accepted by ECML-PKDD 2020
- May 2020: One paper was accepted by KDD 2020
- May 2020: One paper was accepted by IEEE TKDE
- Mar. 2020: One paper was accepted by IEEE TBD
- Jan. 2020: Two papers were accepted by Information Fusion
- Oct. 2019: One paper was accepted by UbiComp 2020
- Feb. 2019: I serve as an associate editor (AE) of ACM TIST
- Aug. 2019: Two papers were accepted by CIKM 2019
- May 2019: One paper were accepted by ACL 2019
- Apr. 2019: Two papers were accepted by KDD 2019
- Dec. 2018: One paper was accepted by IEEE TKDE
- Aug. 2018: One paper was accepted by CIKM 2018
- Jul. 2018: One paper was accepted by KDD 2018
- Apr. 2018: One paper was accepted by AI Journal
- Apr. 2018: One paper was accepted by IJCAI 2018
- Dec. 2017: One paper was accepted by AAAI 2018